Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back from the Dead

Well, it's been almost a year-to-date since my last post. It's not that I made a deliberate decision to stop blogging. Life just happened. But recently, I've been thinking about how much I enjoyed the whole blogging thing. And, forgive the adage, but I really do want to flex my writing "muscle." I mean think about it, you can easily, without thinking, go for years without writing for the sake of writing. I had a similar experience with cursive and now I can barely scrawl out my own signature (seriously, the inconsistency of my signature really defeats the purpose of having one). So I decided to give it a go again, just for myself, if anything.

That being said, reading over some of my older posts was a bit like coming across my diary from middle-school. I was a startled by how sophomoric I sounded. Because at the time, I remember thinking "damn, this is good." And now I just laugh. But I'm still evolving I guess. I'm trying to turn it into motivation.

And there's a lot I've experienced, food-wise, over this past year, that I simply need to share. I've eaten at a David Chang restaurant. Gus and I cooked a whole chicken and almost died from smoke inhalation. I've sworn off Diet Coke and rekindled my love affair with peppermint patties. All of this, I will share in good time. If you'll just bear with me.

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