Thursday, June 24, 2010

This is disgusting

If you have to file an article under "TMI," it probably shouldn't be an article. I'm pretty sure this writing would have been perfectly content to stay locked up in a diary, hidden under the author's mattress. But the following is actually a featured article on, of all sites: On tonight's menu: Placenta

Yup, it's about a woman who eats her placenta, stir-fry style with some "soy, garlic, and ginger."  I consider myself pretty open-minded, and I can usually appreciate things from a sociological standpoint in the very least, but in this case, I was grossed out beyond belief.  It doesn't help that the writer is quite adept at descriptive writing.  (The part where she describes the smell of her own "meat" cooking really put me over the edge...And this woman calls herself a vegetarian!)

To each his own, I guess.  I'll just sign off with one of my favorite lines:

"Most people are repulsed by the idea of eating their own flesh, particularly an excretion from the vagina."


1 comment:

Mr. Magnuson said...

thought I would check out the blog again... looks like I picked the WRONG day!!