Friday, October 29, 2010

H-A-Double L-O...

My oh my where did the time go? It seems like Fall has only just begun and now Halloween is just a couple days away!

Though I love to bake, I've never been much of a Halloween baker.  This type of holiday baking is a category all its own, a special craft with an emphasis on creativity, patience, and detail.  I'm usually too busy throwing together a last-minute costume to even begin to think about breaking out my oven mitts...unless it's part of my costume.

But like a good costume, I very much enjoy seeing what fanciful and festive treats people invent. Below is a round-up of some adorable, some amusing, some just plain strange, Halloween recipes I've come across.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some adorable....some gross, haha great ideas! I love Halloween! The suger cookies with the spiders on them and the cupcakes were so cute, how do people come up with these ideas!
