Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy World Vegetarian Day

That's right, today is World Vegetarian Day, the kickoff to Vegetarian Awareness month. Established by the North American Vegetarian Society in 1977, the aim is to inform people about the health, environmental, and ethical benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle.

I realize that, when noticed, some people tend to find quirky, made-up holidays irksome  - especially one that touches on ethical issues and insinuates the relinquishment of bacon, steak, and other delectable animal offerings.  But however irrelevant the date may be, it's just a means of calling attention to an important issue. Like Mario Batali told the Huffington Post,

"The fact is, most people in the U.S. eat way more meat than is good for them or the planet. Asking everyone to go vegetarian or vegan isn't a realistic or attainable goal. But we can focus on a more plant-based diet, and support the farmers who raise their animals humanely and sustainably."

Batali is a big supporter of  Meatless Monday - a nonprofit initiative with the tag line "One day a week cut out meat" - instituting it in all of his 14 restaurants across the country. (Other supporters of Meatless Monday include the usual suspects like Paul McCartney and Michael Pollan - but also hundreds of universities, businesses, and schools.)

So whether it's cutting down on meat consumption, buying more local or organic products, picking up a book or movie on food-related subjects, or just allowing your vegetarian friend some respite the next time he/she eats soy meat in your presence, there are many ways to participate. And the best part about it is not only will you feel good about yourself; you'll be benefiting others as well.

In honor of Vegetarian Awareness month, I'll place extra emphasis on vegetarian recipes and related issues. In the meantime, check out some of these sites for tasty vegetarian and vegan recipes:

Vegetarian Times (my go-to)

VegWeb (has coupons too!)

International Vegetarian Union (great selection of International recipes)

In a Vegetarian Kitchen (provides useful overviews of popular veg products like tempeh, seitan, and quinoa)

The Vegetarian Resource Group (also provides general info on vegetarian/vegan lifestyles)

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