Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Follow-up on Fresh Direct

I just want to thank my readers for their comments in response to my recent Fresh Direct post. I'm always interested to see how my experiences compare to those of others; sometimes it can help determine whether or not you've hit a streak of bad or good luck.

Anyway, I wanted to address a question posed by "Infomercializer," who has been considering trying out Fresh Direct. She asks "Did you happen to get any produce besides the bananas? I'm curious because I was unsure about ordering items I usually prefer pick out myself--things like lettuce and grapes."

Infomercializer brings up a great point that I didn't consider in my post: that, basically, you lose an element of control with the ease and convenience of ordering food online. For me, shopping for produce is typically a very tactile experience: I feel strongly compelled to test the firmness of my apples and to smell the freshness of my basil. Obviously, this opportunity is lost when choosing food items based on thumbnails on a web site.

But Fresh Direct came through, delivering bananas and apples sans brown spots and bruises. So far, I have no reason to doubt their judgement, and I'm more than willing to give up the little control I had over picking out my fruits and veggies (and it was little, due to the poor selection at the Food Emporium). So Infomercializer, I urge you to give it a try and report back to us with the status of your grapes and lettuce : )

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